


研究所成员已出版翻译研究专著4部,翻译研究论文集2部,译著50余部。近5年共发表学术论文60余篇,其中在Perspectives, Target, 《外语教学与研究》、《中国翻译》、《中国外语》、《外语教学》、《圣经文学研究》等A&HCI、SSCI、CSSCI期刊发表论文26篇。



所  长:任东升教授


Institute for Translation Studies

The institute has 5 professors, 3 associate professors and 2 lecturers, who teach postgraduates and translation, and do researches on translation studies from five departments of the foreign language college. Centered on research on Translation Theories and Applied Translation, the group has completed two State Ministry of Education sponsored projects, and now are engaged in four National-sponsored Funding Program for Social Sciences, including Researches on Foreign Translators Involved in National Translation Program (Prof. RenDongsheng),Comparative Study on Translation Policies in China and in the West (Prof. Teng Mei),Sociological Study on English Translations of ShenCongwen’sNovels and Stories (Prof. XuMinhui), and Stylistic Approach to Chinese Translation of Children Literature (Associate Prof. XuDerong). While study on Bible translation is a traditional field, research onmarine-related translation is promising with achievements including the publishing of a series of marine-related textbook and 6 papers studying in marine-related field, as well as two completed programs funded by Provincial Ministry of Education in developing talents of this field.

Four monographs and two anthologies on translation studies and over 50 translated books have been published. In the past five years, over 60 papers were published, including 26 papers published in A&HCI, SSCI, CSSCI journals such as Perspectives, Target, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Chinese Translators Journal, Foreign Languages in China, Foreign Language Education, Biblical Literatures Studies.

In December 2014, China International Publishing Group (CIPG) announced the founding of “Shapiro Research Center” and its only Research Base in Ocean University of China. The Research Base constitutes an academic growth of the Institute, with a parallel corpus of Shapiro’s translation nearly completed and research on Shapiro’s translation art on full wing.

The institute aims at improving both translation teaching and academic research. While the members improve their research capacity by keeping close academic exchanges with institutes or research centers of other universities, they offer great help to graduates majoring in translation studies by applying their research findings to translation teaching and theses supervision.


Director: Prof. RenDongsheng;

Associate Directors: Prof. Teng Mei, Prof. XuMinhui